About Us
AIACHE - The All India Association for Christian Higher Education

The All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE) is an Ecumenical professional Association for 500+ Christian Higher Education colleges in India, founded in 1967. AIACHE aimsat the promotion of quality in Higher Education, preservation of human and social values and production of character formation, value inculcation and co-operative skill training for a better altruistic society. Our professors are from all around the country and represent a wide range of academic fields. Faculty members at our member institutions have interests and experience in a wide range of fields, including the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Their Pedagogy, Andragogy and Heutagogy are deep-rooted fromteacher-centric lecture methods and learner-centric hybrid pedagogy to active teaching, training solutions, online education, and digital technology. Our faculty supports immersive and hands-on learning via social sciences, religion, culture, and the arts as well as through scientific inquiry.
Vission and Mission
The Christian service of education as a process of information for the formation and transformation, inspired by a vision of human kind and the rest of the creation and its destiny drawn from the life and salvific mission of Jesus Christ. The vision gives Christian institutions a recognizable character and sets before their managements, staff, students, parents and the community, high ideals of life and service which will inspire them continuously to strive to meet emerging needs and challenges. Moved by this vision, the Christian Churches in India have been active in the field of education, serving the nation in the context of its plurality of religions and diversity of cultures and languages. The Christian colleges aim at an integral and personalized education of the youth. They strive to produce intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed, spiritually inspired citizens in the service of India and the world of today and tomorrow.
The Christian service of education as a process of information for the formation and transformation, inspired by a vision of human AIACHE aims at the renewal and growth of member colleges as well as the promotion of the quality, value-orientation and social relevance of Indian higher education in general. Over the years AIACHE has become the symbol of the deepening spirit of ecumenism and Oneness in the Mission of the Churches, the new concept of mission understood as the responsibility to bring about Communion among the people, to work for Justice, Peace and Sustainable Development. A priority for AIACHE is collaborative effort, working with the Governmental and Ecumenical agencies, people of other faiths and like-minded groups, national and international, with shared values and concerns.
The Christian service of education as a process of information for the formation and transformation, inspired by a vision of human The purpose of AIACHE is to work for the constant development of educational specifications like knowledge and to create a just and humane society in the light of Christian Faith, Gospel Values, Excellence and Leadership.
The Christian service of education as a process of information for the formation and transformation, inspired by a vision of human The Aim of AIACHE is to bring all the Christian Higher Educational Institutions in India under one umbrella by name “All India Association For Christian Higher Education”, to maintain it as an Ecumenical Association of Higher Education and to encourage the Minorities of Christian Churches for their development upholding the Constitutional values of “Justice, Liberty, Equality and, fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation” and protecting the Minority Rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Our Team

General Secretary
Rev. Sr. M. Rashmi A.C.
Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis, S J
Vice President
Dr. Paul Wilson
Vice PresidentGallery
All India Association for Christian Higher Education
Ecumenical Centre
39, Institutional Area
D-Block, Janakpuri
New Delhi – 110 058, India
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+91-94447 61101
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Open Hours:
Mon-Sat: 09.00 AM - 06.00 PM