1. Triennial General Assembly (TGA):

Once in three years all the member institutions are welcome with 3 participants (Chairman/Manager, Principal and one staff representative) to an ecumenical celebration of Christian fraternity. It would be a public proclamation that all of us are one in Jesus Christ and we deliberate together how the faith witnessing could be effective in Christian higher education. We will pray and sing together, listen to the Word of God, and will elect the Executive Board Members until the next Triennial to discharge our challenges efficiently and to look after its financial stability.

2. Annual General Body Meeting (AGM):

As AIACHE is a registered Society (No. 4890 dated 26-3-1971), we have the statutory obligation of coming together once in a year. Hence, at least one member from each of our Institution meets together and continues the Triennial fellowship by praying, singing, and deliberating on the current issues and challenges. If necessary, appropriate committees are formed for the follow-up and ratify the EB decisions, approve the annual report and the annual audited statement, appoint the auditor, propose relevant action plans and perform the necessary functions as in the Triennial Conference.

AIACHE office gives direction to all the members to follow the objectives and practical programmes in the regions and member institutions and request the members for active participation. It follows the national and regional information from MHRD, UGC, HECI, NAAC, and other professional organizations and publicizes those pertinent to higher education. It proposes national, regional and local meetings and help regional committees to function well. It collects annual contributions from members and distributes them for relevant activities approved by EB. It convenes annual regional conferences, national or regional Seminars for Principals and senior faculty to prepare them as good administrators as per AIACHE objectives, to facilitate goal oriented and committed junior faculty as well as to orient the students in leadership, global citizenship and responsible workforce for the development and progress of the country. The Office bearers visit the member institutions to facilitate them to follow Gospel Values, Excellence, Leadership roles and available for social needs.

Endowments and Awards shall be kept in AIACHE as Corpus Fixed Deposits which shall be withdrawn only with unanimous decision of EB and a withdrawal signature of at least 3 members. New Endowments shall be instituted by a unanimous decision of EB. AIACHE shall encourage Principals and Faculty by the public announcement of Awards for them.

AIACHE will have a website with all relevant records and an up to date list of members. It shall have regular communications by e-mail and by whatsup groups. It shall be in constant touch with other ecumenical bodies and regularly participate in their meetings. Normally, AIACHE accepts only honorary membership and not paid membership in any ecumenical or other associations.

AIACHE encourages Membership in Perpetuity. They shall be given a Life Membership number and a printed Life Membership Certificate with an information of their eligibility to Minority Rights as enshrined in the Constitution of India no. 130 (1).

AIACHE specially upholds both the following Constitutional directives:
Art. 30(1): All the minorities whether based on religion or language, have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
Art.19(1)(g): All the citizens of India have: a) Freedom of Speech and Expression; b) Freedom of Assembly; c) Freedom to form associations or unions; d) Freedom of movement throughout the territory of India; e) Freedom of residence and settlement in any part of the territory of India; and g) Freedom of profession, occupation, trade or business.

3. At the regional levels:

At the regional level, a Regional President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected before or after every Triennial to co-ordinate the regional activities, to strengthen AIACHE and to bring in new members. Regional expenses shall be met from the regional resources and no bank account is to be opened. Every year one meeting of the Chairman/Manager, Principal and Faculty representatives shall be convened and as per the regional planning, faculty and student leadership shall be organized.

4. At the Institutional Level:

Member Institutions are the base and root of our faith formation unit where Jesus Christ is projected as the Saviour of human race and all of us are saved through His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. He is Truth incarnate and we have to be truthful in a country whose motto is “Satyameva Jayate”. We have to follow the path of Dharma as Gandhiji instructed: “Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara”(Speak Truth and Move in Dharma).

It is AIACHE’s concern that all our Principals and faculty are models of nobility and excellence to be imitated by students. Students are to be formed with excellent character traits, skill performance and social concern. Bible study is to be encouraged for their growth in Biblical values and altruistic behaviour. Every student is helped to grow in his/her own spiritual/religious practices and respect for other’s religious aspirations. The Christian model of brotherhood should be inherited with an attitude that every living being is a brother or sister to all. Hence, in all our member institutions, some programmes should be organized to attain these objectives of AIACHE such that they become good leaders in society developing their skills and respecting one another and concerned in other’s well being and progress. Our faculty and students should have awareness that all are precious gifts of God and try to consider everyone else as another precious gift to be respected as brother or sister.

When national or regional programmes are organized, all the member institutions are expected to send participants and later make use of their training for the edification of others in the campus and send them as regional resource persons. Members are also expected to contribute to the development of AIACHE as a unifying ecumenical body.

At least, one programme should be organized every year in all the member institutions, under the banner of AIACHE.

A Co-ordinator should be appointed in all our institutions who will assist the Principal in organizing programmes, in corresponding with regional and national authorities, in sending faculty or students to regional or national programmes like AGM and TGA, in sending reports to AIACHE office and in communicating with the faculty.

5. Our Education Module:

In all AIACHE member institutions, we form, inform and transform students:

01. By providing quality and relevant education for all and we prefer the poor, marginalized and first generation students without excluding excellence and skill development;
02. By providing education that frees persons from the encumbrances of discrimination, illiteracy and whatever endangers life, respect for life and inculcate the values in life;
03. By providing education that humanizes and allows all to play their rightful role in society, understand economic structures and political systems and promote transparency and accountability;
04. By promoting respect for diversity and inclusiveness, love for nature and its protection;
05. By imparting education that energizes the young and promote nation building, skill development and social relations;
06. By imparting education that shapes character, provides competence and promotes qualities of the heart, head and hands;
07. By dealing with climate change, making education relevant and scientific, issues of POCSO, women’s safety, Concerns regarding gender discrimination, pollution, proper use of electricity, air and water, Sustainable Development Goals and the like;
08. By attending to paradigm shifts, matters regarding Christian formation, relationship in the multi religious context, value education, concern for all people, inclusive education
09. By welcoming a shift to move from management to animation... maintenance to mission mode... success to effectiveness....subject orientation to pupil orientation... performance to seeking.... conventional to critical.... knowledge to wisdom…. me to we... and a need to go beyond seminars and General Body meetings;
10. By ensuring ecumenical unity, linking, collaboration and cooperation; and
11. By providing an education that looks for the faith formation of Christians and value formation of all, that nurtures an encounter with God that nourishes faith and values in life.